And the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver purified in a crucible, like gold refined seven times.
— Psalm 12:6

Read the Bible

The key thing about selecting a Bible reading program is just to do it. Set a goal to read your Bible from cover-to-cover annually, in two years, or three years. Rather than re-create the wheel, we direct you to the website of Ligonier Ministries where you can find a number of helpful plans. If you want to customize a plan with daily reminders, please check out My Bible Plans.

Are you new to reading Scripture? Or, are you beginning to read again after a hiatus and wonder where to start. The New Reader’s Plan will help you get back into the habit. Over 6 months, in small portions, this plan introduces you to the Old and New Testaments with readings from each different type of scripture: history, poetry, wisdom, prophecy, gospel, and letter.

Read the Standards

Next to reading the Bible regularly, we encourage regular reading of the Westminster Standards. Below is a handy calendar of daily, bite-sized readings.

Read the Institutes

John Calvin is a noted Reformer from the 16th and 17th centuries. His most noted writing is the Institutes of the Christian Religion. Calvin’s objective in writing the Institutes was to provide a summary of what the Scriptures teach and to help Christians think about their faith in an orderly fashion. Though from a “time-gone-by,” this material is very readable and instructive. Following is a calendar of daily readings for the year.

Reading for Children

One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is to teach them the discipline of regular Bible reading. David Murray has produced a number of simple tools that will guide your children to read and understand the Bible. Dr. Murray has produced a series of booklets with daily readings in Genesis and in Matthew. The Exploring the Bible and Meeting with Jesus books guide children through readings in the whole Bible. Click an image to view it on Amazon.